The Hunt for monsterz in Chernobyl

I from Russia, me and friends discuss on Ventrilo. We want to go Chernobyl and hunt.
I go buy AK-47
Ivan buy Nerf gun, I tell him get real gun he get KSVK from parents.
Nikolay got RMB-93
Vladimir has PSS.
We get in my car. I drive to Chernobyle.
After 2 days we arrive.
I have no. I scream.
There is no one in city.
It night
We hear footsteps
I look nothing, it's US, not us but us
We go into a house, we look over supply, 2 Russian MRE, 1 American MRE throw away, 2 candybar, can of beans and 3 slice of bread.
I pee see someone run
Tell friends, they no believe
we continue
we go close to a house
Something is coming out
It fat and wheelchair
it rush us
we on hill
its fall down hill
it crash into my car
we get out guns
Ivan no have ammo
we die by fat man in wheelchair